Chassis for Men Product Review | Man Care for Down There
Let me dispel a myth: Chafing is not exclusive to heavy set people or marathon runners. Believe me I train nearly every day and every now and then I get an unwelcome soreness down there. Whilst some men don’t chafe, they can still ben prone to secreting unwanted moisture or an odour not too dissimilar to something you’d smell in the clogged canals in Little Venice.
We think the only part of our body that smells is our armpits or our breathe. But I’ve been to enough boot camps to know there is often something else afoot.
So let’s talk about Chassis Man Care. A Premium Powder specifically designed to combat odours and sweat in discreet areas.
Most men would have developed an odd relationship with baby talcum powder to absorb any moisture down there. This generally moulds into a globule like paste by the end of the day and can wreck a pair of smart trousers in no time at all.
The application has a mild smoothing effect, nothing you have to brace yourself for mentally. I’m not going to lie and say I managed to distinguish the notes of pumpkin seed or oatmeal (although these are just natural ingredients designed to sooth and protect your natural oils) but it was light and fresh. I was immediately reassured, and so too were my wedding vegetables.
What’s the science? How is this even possible?
The secret is the Hydro-shield technology exclusive and developed by Chassis that makes the powder hydrophobic. I.E it repels moisture and doesn’t ‘cake’ the powder.
When would I need to use Chassis?
Ever been routed to your seat for long spells? Maybe you have a long commute to work or a flight to catch.
You’re man bits will need to stay cool and friction-free.
You might have a special date or like me, a harsh workout regime that demands a lot of every part of my body. Chassis will give you the confidence you need down there, so you don’t have to think about it up there.
It will provide the comfort and dryness during critical moments of your active day, and others around you will appreciate your close attention to personal hygiene in intimate areas.
Lastly a quick note to the ladies, if your better half hasn't discovered this yet, then why not buy him and yourself a present, if you catch my drift.
*This paid sponsored post was created in collaboration with Chassis for Men.

Founder of this eponymous blog, focusing on men's fashion & lifestyle.