Why Are People So Much Nicer in Florida than London?

Why Are People So Much Nicer in Florida than London?

Article by guest author Peter Brooker

I've been spending some time in Orlando since my partner and I have just bought some real estate in Winter Park. The one noticeable difference I've been finding is that people are overall, much nicer. And this comes from strangers stopping to say hello, to the guy at the deli going out of his way to recommend which meat is best for the BBQ and how best to prepare said meat.

In London, people are generally quite sullen. Especially in the service industry and retail sector. I've stopped going to my local cinema because of the bad attitude of the workforce there. Not to mention the over pricing, come on £8 for a pint of London Pride Chiswick Cinema? I can see Fullers Brewery from the lobby area! No deals can be made here?

But I kept asking myself, why are people happier here in Orlando than in London?


FLORIDA: It's easier to eat healthy here. There are far more interesting farmers markets, Whole Foods, Sprouts, Publix to name a few. And yes there is always a crap ton of candy and ice cream, but the fish selection is fantastic, the meat is good and affordable, and it doesn't take much culinary skills to cook it all. We have a summer kitchen which means a lot of the veg and meat and fish get marinated and then plonked straight on the BBQ. It's typically all in one place and they even prepare set meals in takeaways for lunchables. The restaurants are aplenty and the service feels much more personable in Orlando than London.

You can find most things in Supermarkets in London, but the selection is never that great. Of course you have famous markets like Borough Market, for example. And you have your fishmongers and butchers on the high street. But for ease, for value and for a wide breadth of selection, I have to favour Orlando. Especially if you're into grilling. I love to grill on the BBQ and you can only do that a few weeks of the year in London.


According to this article on iMind, Research suggests that increased sunlight exposure can boost vitamin D levels, which positively impact mood and even reduce the risk of seasonal affective disorder (SAD). Sunshine also increases serotonin levels, which positively affects mood and focus and boost memory, cognition, and creativity.


According to Versus, London v Orlando, London is a safer place to live. I've not felt that whilst spending time in Winter Park. I've found the parks to be safe, the neighbourhoods to be welcoming, there is no smell of weed like most boroughs in London. I actually haven't seen a single homeless person here in Baldwin Park, or graffiti for that matter.

A comment from that forum crystallises my thoughts. "There are beautiful museums and galleries and you can come across very nice tourists and people but it's not the norm. London is bearable for a day or two but there are so many other beautiful places to see and live in this world full of genuinely kind people. I would not recommend London to anyone as a place to live."

These stats from Numbeo suggest people are a lot more worried about the level of crimes in their communities.


The cost of living crisis is still a thing in the UK. You can see how wasteful the Rwanda deal was for example that was the first thing the Labour party scrapped when they came into office. £290 million of taxpayers money down the plug hole. Energy prices still £250 a month minimum. Yes health care is free in the UK but most people I know, myself included have private insurance in the UK as it's simply not an efficient or reliable service.

According to Expatistan the cost of living in Orlando is 32% cheaper than living in London.


London is far too built up, and traffic congestion has made it barely manageable to get around in a car. The underground system is not as bad as everyone says, although could do with some major investment. There really is no public transport to speak of here in Winter Park, I'm guessing Uber is king. Here we hire a car, pay the tolls and crack on down life's 6 lane highway.


Why are so many people moving to Florida? According to one thread, boomers are the largest retiring generation in history and hold 50% of the national wealth. ( The Baby Boomer generation is often defined as people born from 1946 to 1964 during the mid-20th century baby boom). So the AVERAGE boomer can afford to move to Florida and is the majority of the people doing so.

I believe people come for the freedom of space, to get better value in their everyday lives, people have better quality of life so are naturally happier. This breathes optimism and positivity. One thing you have to give to the Americans is that they are an optimistic bunch, even if that comes in the form of artificial positivity, or positivity for positivity sake. It inspires and creates a better community, a better working life and relationships.


Photo by Denys Kostyuchenko on Unsplash

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