The Best Removal and Storage Service in London
You guys might be in a similar situation to us. Tuula and I have completed on our sale before moving in to the place we're buying and have to find temporary accommodation and storage.
Tuula suggested that we rent a room at The Hilton in London for a month or so and I had to swiftly remind her that we're not the Kardashians. 'It's good but it's not right,' I said in my best Roy Walker voice. She then suggested we move back in with our parents and I sarcastically made a ping noise.
In the meantime, where are we going to store our worldly goods? Enter Fantastic Services. As you may have seen on my Instagram stories, Fantastic Services have been literally doing the heavy lifting.
How does it work?
Pretty simple really, they turn up with the Luton van, load all of your pre-packed boxes, then store it all (weekly prices) for however long you need. Then when you are ready to move in to your new abode, they will simply re-deliver all of your stuff at a time convenient for you.
We had two large Luton vans and 4 guys helping us move which is the dream when your back is as bad as mine. (TIP: always complain that you have a bad back even if you don't. This get out of jail free card can come in handy in the event that any friend might think to call on you, because you keep yourself in relatively good nick, and expect you to sacrifice your weekend to help move a couch or even worse, a Peloton. PIVOT.
Back to Fantastic Services
Admittedly I did feel a tinge of guilt seeing 4 friendly guys from Fantastic Services move all the heavy boxes and furniture into the Luton vans, (they did 3 loads in all) but I hope offset that with countless offers of teas, coffees and diet cokes.
They were friendly, quick and made the entire move frictionless for Tuula and I.
They have over 27k reviews on Trip Advisor and a rating of 4.5/5. Which is not a surprise to me having seen these guys in action. They offer a wide range of services that also include packing those delicate items. These guys worked on Easter Weekend too, just heroes and I can't thank them or praise them enough.
Last tip before moving
You're going to need some boxes and when I mean ‘some’ - I mean A LOT! Whatever number you think you’ll need, double it and you’ll be somewhere near the correct number! You could either try to buy, borrow, scavenge as many boxes as you can or you can just order packaging and packing options to take the stress away from Fantastic Services.
No use trying to schlepp your worldly possessions from one house to the next in Sainsbury carrier bags. Unless they are the bag for life ones.

Founder of this eponymous blog, focusing on men's fashion & lifestyle.