Anyone that knows me well enough knows how much I hate waste. I can't abide anyone leaving the crusts of pizza, or throwing the paper in the plastic recycling.
I also discreetly judge people on how they approach waste. Are they nonchalant in their attitude to the environment? Are they spendthrift and materialistic. Heavily dependent on that endorphin-rush purchase. To quote Tyler Durden 'Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy **** we don't need.'
So note below a couple of thoughts on how you can conserve waste.
Throwing away food is a real bug bear. A good idea is to get a blender and anything that is on the turn, can easily make it into a shake, juice or soup.
Another is to order just enough food for what you need. I recently discovered the Paprika Chicken with Bulgur & Olives recipe from HelloFresh. Easy to make, prepare in just 20 minutes for a balanced and tasty meal. You can check out this link for a detailed preparation guide. Super easy to make, packed with protein and one I always look forward to.
Not only can you minimise your waste using HelloFresh, you can save time food shopping giving you that precious time back to spend on work, the gym or your family.
HelloFresh offers delicious recipe boxes chosen by you from their ‘on the menu’ recipe hub. The recipes are conveniently tagged with their purpose such as Family Friendly, Rapid, Street Food, Balanced and Veggie to name a few. You then just signup to one of their plans, enter you delivery address and choose your meal plan. It really is seamless and simple.
When times were getting tight I started looking at all my subscriptions and outgoings. BT Broadband, I was on a really old package from 2012. I was paying £90 for my broadband, and they've crashed since the competition. I managed to half that with one call. Plus new add ons and equipment that speeds up my WiFi.
Sky. Yeah sorry the Sky Movies had to go. But the Sky tv package, I had multi room can you believe. Even though I live on my own. I was paying about £120 a month and got that down half.
Then there is the Insurances. The pets, the house, life insurance, contents insurance etc. Some were offering 20% discounts just because I made enquired!
Spotify and Amazon Prime. I got them free with Vitality Health. And the Vodaphone package allowed me to get 12 month free Spotify. I can't believe I was paying double bubble.
Definitely check out my VLOG that I did where I break down all my financial outgoings and saved a shed tonne of cash.
If you want to improve the art of conversation I recommend starting a podcast. I have to edit large chunks of the podcast because sometimes I can be quite verbose when it comes to asking a question. It's only when you hear yourself talk do you realise if you talk too much, or you're partial to tautology.
For example, I no longer introduce people and ask, 'please give me a thumbnail sketch of your life, your education, where you grew up and how you managed to bring your brand from concept to market.'
It's much easier to say 'who are you, and what do you do?'
*This sponsored post was created in collaboration with HelloFresh.

Founder of this eponymous blog, focusing on men's fashion & lifestyle.