Top 5 Ways to Spring Clean Your Life
Bloggers love Spring, we love it! It's the time when brands come alive and the wardrobes need revamping. But a spring clean isn't entirely exclusive to chucking all the fast fashion into a charity bin. Here's my top 5 tips on how to declutter your life and make some road for the road ahead.
Is she the one for you dude? Has your relationship turned into comfort food where it's making the both of you fat? Are you careering towards a loveless marriage that will suck ten years out of your life? Seriously unpack your relationship into mini fun size Tupperware boxes and ask yourself, does this look like a fun picnic for you.
£3.60 for a coffee now in Liverpool St station. With 3 new coffee shops opening a day in the UK, it's no surprise we're all skint with the amount of coffee we're consuming on a daily basis. I'll admit I don't have one in my life as of yet, but I'm flirting with this Contigo West Autoseal Coffee Cup. According to an article in the Daily Mail the average Brit spends over £2,000 a year on coffee. Did you know you had a £2k a year drug habit!?
Oooh the digital ones. I picked up this little nugget from The Health Sessions run by trained psychologist Jennifer Mulder most people I know have a dozen or so INSTA pages, twitter handles and Facebook business pages that are now cyber ghost ships drifting in the ether.
Yet they still manage to ping you emails, alerts, texts, as if they're inviting you to come rescue them from the binary beyond. I managed to get rid of subscription alerts and spring clean my notifications very easily with
Ah yes of course it was coming. Just divorce yourself from emotion and get rid of all the crap. Everything you've not worn in the last 3-4 months, toss it! Allow yourself one sentimental piece, and hang on to the interchangeable garments that can expand your wardrobe, but the rest can be put out to pasture.
If you're looking to make a little beer money from your hand-me-downs but are struggling to shift stuff on eBay, try Depop. As recommended by Ali Gordon on the Menswear Style podcast.
Being a one-man band it's tough to do everything yourself. If I ever had to clone myself, I'd call him me2 and have him just handle my tax returns. (Although I'm sure me2 will become self aware and start applying for dating reality shows). I personally use XERO, cloud based software designed for SME businesses and I have it on good authority that the HMRC will only accept tax returns submitted using accounts software packages in the future.
That’s all I got for today. Let me know if you’re thinking of doing a spring clean of your life and if you have any further tips, drop me a comment in the box below.

Founder of this eponymous blog, focusing on men's fashion & lifestyle.