Doing THESE Simple things Will Help you Lose Weight

Doing THESE Simple things Will Help you Lose Weight

Just a quick update from my fitness journey. Determined not to succumb to Dad-Bod, I've been writing a few things down on my little notepad I carry round with me that serve as key reminders. Sometimes it can just be one or two words like 'Discipline' or 'Walk Away'. Let me share with you some of these tips for losing fat, after all it's not too late to get into shape for summer.


On the tube around London especially I would see this all the time. People eating crap on the train. Let’s face it, most food you can eat on the go will be processed, sugary and easy. It will probably taste great. But it will not be good for you, and you're not allowing your body to starve. Starving your body and quitting those snacks will not only help you lose body fat, but you'll also enjoy your proper food all the more.

Also look out for the snack kiosk when waiting for trains. That's where I train my mind to tell my body to walk away. Westminster Tube stop in particular has snack vendors on either side of the platform .Did you miss your train? Never mind you can have a chocolate bar to help you pass the time, even though you probably don't even want one. Just walk away. Walk to the other end of the platform.

Also be mindful of when you're leaving the station. How many tube stops have little snack kiosks, or Costas, or Starbucks where you can get a flapjack to go with your sugary coffee. Plan your daily commute much better. Take some nuts on the train, tell yourself you don't need to eat just because you're waiting.


I've had this strange thing of late where I'm nearing the end of my meal and I'm starting to feel uncomfortable because I've overeaten. There is not enough food on the plate to box up and takeaway, but there is too much food to wallop down just because you hate waste.

The way I approach this. Don't order too much food to start with. Ask the waiter how big the portions are, are they big enough to share? Start with small portions then order more if need. If you're feeling satiated there is no need to see the dessert menu.

Also send the table bread away. The longer it stays on the table the more likely you are to eat it. So manage your portions, and leave the restaurant just ever so slightly hungry.


As soon as you train your body, that food and drink is not all about taste, the better. Yes I know coffee and tea tastes better with sugar in it, but then everything tastes better with sugar in it. It's why people have ketchup on everything. I make homemade green smoothies all the time, and people always ask me how it tastes. 'Like crap' I tell them, but I don't make them because they taste good. That’s why I don't put any apples, pineapples in them. I want my body to get its nutrients. It would be lovely if it tasted like pumpkin pie, but it doesn't, so I've made my peace with that.


I've spoken about this before, but if you get invited for a run, or a walk, or a game of pickle ball, say yes immediately. The more you think about it, the more likely you are to come up with an excuse not to do it. Even if you've had a beer, or "I've only just got in', say YES immediately, get up and get moving.

FOLLOW Eddie Abbew

Yes this guy is no secret anymore. But I love how Eddie Abbew he is sticking it to the industry. Keeping it real. Pointing out all the unhealthy crap you see in the shops. Calling out Gary Lineker for getting our kids into Walkers Crisps. If Eddie is not your cup of tea, follow some fitness trainers that are. The idea is to get inspired and to learn. The more you surround yourself with fit people, the more likely you are to pick up good habits.


Founder of this eponymous blog, focusing on men's fashion & lifestyle.