DIY Projects and Home Improvement Ideas for Spring
Today I want to round up some ideas for DIY Projects and Home Improvement Ideas for Spring. The purpose of this article is to hopefully inspire men to start new DIY projects or finish up winter projects, focusing on outdoor spaces and interior updates for the warmer months.
According to the Spectrum Health Website
Research studies have shown that those suffering from PTSD, Anxiety Disorders, Depression, Insomnia and any level of chronic pain have achieved a reduction in symptoms by incorporating crafts into their lives.
I'm a big believer in that doing more things with your hands, creating something more tangible than a spreadsheet, is the best tonic for mental health. How many carpenters do you see that are dispassionate or chronically depressed. They are always problem solving, creating, actively looking to improve something. Whilst sitting in front of a laptop for 8 hours, getting triggered by tweets or turned on by suggestive photos.
So let’s get into. Here are some home improvement ideas you can get your teeth into for Spring
Herb Garden
Why not get some herbs on the go this Spring? I have one, and it feels like quite an accomplishment when it comes to putting the herbs in the salads or green smoothies. There are plenty of tiered herb garden boxes you can set up. Simply putting one together is rewarding. This five tier herb planter is great value at just under £30 on Amazon right now.
Hanging your Wall Art
Why not change the scenery around your house this season? There's nothing set in stone that says you need to look at the same photos or the same paintings 365 days of the year. But installing art and framed paintings, isn't always as easy as it looks. In order to get those huge paintings on the wall or line up those Banksy prints evenly you may need an expert. My friend Trevor does all the heavy lifting, he is Arty Van online and operates around London and East Anglia.
Wardrobes (built in)
This is every man's duty. Getting your wardrobes in order. Rockets needs a platform to launch, there's no way you can get a coordinated wardrobe together, if you don't have your physical wardrobes in order. I spoke about my own wardrobe renovations in a previous article, check out my one big tip,
My one big tip is to ensure that when they are doing the measurements, they allow for the doors to open fully. We didn't realise this would even be a possibility that we couldn't fully open all the doors. The cupboards may fit, but there is a hinge allowance that you need to consider. The big downside to not having the doors open fully, is that you can't install pull-out drawers in the cupboards where the doors are impeding on the aperture.
Keeping Chickens
As you may know, Tuula and I are living a fairly countrified life right now out in the sticks. I'm toying with the idea of installing a chicken coup in the garden. I want a bit more sovereignty in my life. I want a vegetable patch, a herb garden and I want fresh eggs in my lunch box every day. I've been looking at some tutorials on YouTube and recommend a ten video series by Hen Corner.
Home Security
Lastly, it's time to get your home in check. You don't have to go balls out with all the fancy pants CCTV. But I would recommend getting your perimeters covered with Ring Doorbell. I have four going on right now. My recommendation is to have them in full view so people know your house is monitored and also use the stickers that come with Ring Doorbell in your window.
Subscribe to the video package so you can get playback, you'll get a month’s free trial so you can get a taste of what it’s like. I have two doorbells in full view, and two hidden away in case anyone thinks they can hit my blind spots or tries to blacken them out before breaking and entering. (I've seen a lot of heist movies). They do normally have a half-price sale on Black Friday's, but you need to get on this now.
Photo by Roselyn Tirado on Unsplash

Founder of this eponymous blog, focusing on men's fashion & lifestyle.