Solar Panelling: Is it Really worth it?
Solar Panelling: Is it Really worth it? The hot button topic now as we all look to save some money on our energy bills. I'm in the throes of a house move currently so this is a subject that is very pertinent to me.
I wanted to share some research with you that I've gathered in the past few days from various articles and videos around the web. Please free to DM me on Instagram if you have anything further to add to the discussion that might be of use.
Things to consider:
You will need to look at think about whether your roof will be big enough and will it get enough exposure? For example you might have a tiny roof enclosed in a space surrounded by huge oak trees. If you only south facing you'll need to consider getting solar panels on both sides of your roof to capture rising and setting sun.
If you are not home during peak sunshine hours, having a home battery storage system is certainly worthwhile. Your solar batteries will be able to store electricity for use when you are home after dark. See this article on Greenmatch for more information and costings.
Nearby Solar Farms?
Maybe you live close by to a solar farm? Perhaps you've seen them as you drive home. In Graham Water for example, (Cambridgeshire) nearly 43,000 solar modules were installed into a field that has generated over 26% of the energy used by the works; that’s enough electricity to power 3,000 houses. The solar energy produced will also prevent the equivalent of the annual carbon emissions of 1,000 family cars, based on 12,000 miles annually. You could be part of a nearby scheme so be sure to check with your local county council.
How long until I make my money back on solar panels with energy savings? Is the million dollar question. Currently it's estimated to be a 7-8 year payback ratio according to Matt Ferrell who had his panels installed on his roof. Matt also goes onto claim he is making a savings of $1,500 a year on his energy bills with solar.
What is the life span of Solar Panels? The panels have a lifespan of about 30 years. You will see gradual degradation year over year which will result in a decline in your energy output. Quality panels from the manufacturers they will last 30 or more years. LG for example offers a 25 year product warranty for LG NeON including warranty in addition to an enhanced performance warranty. After 25 years LG NeON is guaranteed to produce 88.5%of its initial power output
What if I move house? Won't I lose those savings? Not necessarily. Like having a renovation done in your house, the improvements made will increase the value of your house.
Can I have solar panels to look like my roof? Yes there is such a thing as Solar Shingles. Like regular roof shingles, solar shingles protect your home from the weather and other elements. These shingles are not only energy-efficient, but they also offer a more attractive aesthetic to a home than do the large, bulky panels normally associated with solar-powered energy. Learn more on this article by Forbes.
Final Thoughts
After doing some initial research I have found more positives than negatives for getting solar panels. I'm more sold on the idea about having something that could pay dividends in the next ten years, especially with the rise in house prices. Tuula and I are also working home more often than not and using more energy and this is something to consider.

Founder of this eponymous blog, focusing on men's fashion & lifestyle.