I'm often pondering whether I'm a slave to my own nostalgia? Why am I pumped for prequels and sequels when the originals had no equals? Is there any truth in the saying, outside of a vacuum nothing new exists, so if you want to create something you must displace what is already there?
I know, you must hear bloggers bleat on about the existentialism of original thought all the time right? Well the reason why it's come to mind, is I've been immersing myself in the new Liam Gallagher album this week, C’mon You Know and I'm just hearing some initial rumblings of an Oasis reunion. Maybe those rumblings are mere hearsay and idle gossip fuelled by the media that are the ones with the greatest agenda. (How many click-throughs would that article get? "Oasis Back Together". But with the laudatory reviews this album has received universally, it wouldn't be disingenuous to say that Liam has now graduated to a song-writers level on par with his brother Noel.
D'you know what I mean? Well let me elucidate some more. C’mon You Know is a sneery beast of an album. Hitting unexpected notes of optimism for a country desperately in need of something right now. The songs not only stand on their own two feet, but these feet are sheathed in Snake Skin boots and has Clint Eastwood striking a match from one heel.
It's been reviewed by Neil McCormack of The Telegraph as '[...] the greatest record Oasis never made.'
In that same article McCormack goes on to mention that - 'Gallagher has frequently admitted he would still rather be in Oasis, the Britpop champions who broke up in 2009 after one sibling spat too far.' But what about Brother Noel? Well he has time and time again refused to acknowledge the likelihood of a reunion. Despite apparently getting asked every day.
But perhaps there is a middle ground that can be reached in light of the groundswell of fanfare Liam's solo album has achieved. Perhaps there is a world where both artists could perform on the same bill doing a set of their own solo work during the day, and then reform as Oasis in the evening. (Yes I'm seeing this as a weekend festival).
C'MON YOU KNOW follows Gallagher's first two solo records As You Were and Why Me? Why Not. There is a body of work there that can more than support a set played out over two days. Meanwhile Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds have released three studio albums.
But would Noel Gallagher do it just for the money? Well you have to say, why not? At the end of the day, not every band member is a band mate. Stewart Copeland drummer of The Police famously penned expletives across his toms when playing on stage as a message of intent to Sting, (real name Gordon). The Pink Floyd reunion was a thing. It happened in 2005. They didn't get along before or after but they got in, got out, made money and the audience were satisfied.
After reading reviews of the new A-ha documentary, A-Ha The Movie, it's revealed the members still tour although they arrive to gigs in different cars.
So it's not out of the question for a band to reunion to exist, and a family reunion to be put on hold. And now both brothers have achieved success in their own solo careers, maybe it's because they don't need each other, they can now co-exist on the same stage for one last time. Wishful thinking? I for one think an Oasis reunion is getting increasingly more likely, little by little.

Founder of this eponymous blog, focusing on men's fashion & lifestyle.