Fat Freezing with Cool Sculpting Tried & Tested: What my Friend had to Say
'So this is more than just about cellulite. This is more about the extra fat that you can't eliminate during exercise. It's about places that are difficult to get rid of the fat; inside the thighs, on the sides of the glutes.' – anon
In this article I'm going to share with you some advice on how to eliminate fat from your body, some diet tips, exercise routines and non-surgical procedures. I've spoken to a close friend who has used one of these patented procedures called CoolSculpting. She has chosen to remain anonymous as she works for a large conglomerate and her role within the company requires discretion.
I mentioned in passing that I'll be doing an article on CoolSculpting and how to beat body fat. She replied, Oh I've done that. It's the best.'
At first I was amazed to hear this coming from her because I know she is a devoted fitness fanatic. I assumed her athletic physique was purely down to a great diet and a vigorous exercise regime.
'It's that as well,' she said, 'I skip about 2 dinners a week, no raw (food) after four, and basically don't eat crap. Sometimes you don't need a clever label on the side to break down the calorie count. You should know what's good for you instinctively. But I've done the CoolSculpting, the best thing is that's it's permanent. I had it done 5-6 years ago. I had two treatments, one for outer legs and one for inner legs.'
At this point I read the science bit from the CoolSculpting FAQ section in which it describes how the process works.
"The fat cells are crystalised and frozen through CoolSculpting treatment, they are destroyed naturally and gone forever! Any remaining fat cells can still enlarge over time if weight is put on in the future and can therefore affect results, but typically if you regain the same weight and BMI (Body Mass Index) as treated your results will be visible."
She replied, 'and I can whole-heartedly attest to that'.
I have done a few collaborative articles with Pulse Light covering tattoo removal and laser hair removal. You can find those on my blog here.
Of course Fat Freezing isn't exclusive to legs and glutes. If you're anything like me you'll find the stomach is an area that enjoys storing fat, and over time I'll consider having some treatment around my neck area. (You ever answer your phone on Video by mistake and have that unflattering footage looking up at your chins?)
I found a good instructional video on what to expect from fat freezing can be found in the short YouTube clip which is available on the Pulse Light website or you can watch below.
Best exercise for fighting fat
I'm a staunch believer in combat sports. You'll know I'm a regular at the KOBOX gym and it I'm really missing that sense of community. Speaking to the same friend she has introduced me to the Ashi-Paka routine. 'It's the best one for thighs,' she says. 'The one good thing about lockdown is that I've found some amazing routines on YouTube and I'll probably cancel my gym subscription after it's all over. With these videos it's saving me time and I'm in better shape now than I was when I was training at the gym.'
You can find a link to the Ashi-Paki workout on YouTube here. This is by no means an exclusive but when I asked her about the best work out for abs on YouTube she mentioned Chloe Ting. With close to 9 million subscribers on YouTube I doubt there are few people that have not heard of her.

Founder of this eponymous blog, focusing on men's fashion & lifestyle.