I've been absorbing a lot of movies/TV currently and my appetite has not only been whetted, but drenched with pangs for a visit to New York. I wanted to share some research notes on some of my favourite New York films and TV shows as I begin planning my next trip, scouting locations I'd like to visit and applying my ESTA Visa through E-Visa, UK’s leading visa travel agency. (I'll walk you through what an ESTA is and how to get one at the end).
This is a love letter to New York. As a country boy coming to the city I wasn't completely foreign to the idea of a bidet, but I still wanted to say hello to everyone as they passed me by in the street. Mick Dundee saying G'Day to anyone and everyone on his arrival to the streets of New York is hilarious. He stayed at The Crown Plaza hotel where he cried out of the window 'for cleaning your backside right?' The same hotel was featured as the stage for Gordon Gekko’s 'greed is good' speech from Wall Street.
The original Steve McQueen version was set in Boston, the remake was transposed to New York, with the art heist being staged at The Met. They did no filming inside The Met but the house of Thomas Crown played by Pierce Brosnan is very identifiable, guarded by the lion head statues. Located on the 68th street in Manhattan.
The film is dripping with New York-isms. The real New York accent comes through in Janine the secretary. 'We got one!' It's one of the most captivating and rich accents in all of America. Ladder 8 is a live fire station that was used as The Ghostbusters headquarters. If the doors are open you'll see The Ghostbusters sign hung up inside.
Alright I know I'm going way back here. But I love the movie Splash. It left an indelible image on me as a young man and I've always loved the Statue of Liberty scene where Daryl Hannah comes ashore with only her long hair keeping her modest.
Hey Bond fans, there's a special place for you also. There’s a Skyscape Museum with a dedicated Bond exhibition of the Aston Martin DB5's going on right now. You also have a location from Live and Let Die which doubled as a Voodoo Shop where Bond gives chase to Mr Big. This is now a hair salon on 33 East 65th Street.
Currently streaming on Netflix here in the UK. Homeland series 7 really brings the echo-reality of the 9/11 terrorist strikes back to the forefront of everyone’s mind. I've not dug into any locations of note right now, but the series is compelling and has a rich palette of New York iconography.
It's strange to think that I learnt the term jurisdiction through the Die Hard movies. But this is truly the home for Office John McClane. In Die Hard 3 Bruce Willis teams up with Samuel L Jackson to prevent terrorist bombs erupting around the city which is really misdirection for an ambitious bank heist on City Hall.
Central Park is must place to see in New York and McClane careers through it in a New York cab in a high speed chase. 'I didn't say Park Drive, I said through the park'.
For me it's Woody Allen's finest portrait of New York and like most Allen films, the city of New York is as big a star as it's leading man. The iconic poster image for the film of Woody and Diane Keaton seating on a bench together is not overlooking Manhattan bridge. Don't be duped. It was in fact shot at Riverview Terrace on Sutton Square, just beneath the 59th Street Bridge on the east side of Manhattan.
Gary Oldman at his wackiest and most amped. But it's New York that steals the show in this Luc Besson crime thriller. I need to get to the bottom of what is going on with the hotel Chelsea which is where the final climatic scenes where the SWAT team descend on Leon. It has a lot of urban mythos with Nancy Spungen was killed by Sid Viscous. It was sold in 2011 according to Movie Locations, and I'm not sure it's been reopened since. The case continues..
Not technically in New York I know but if you fancy getting out of the city you can grab a train from Central Station to Philadelphia. Central Station by the way has been featured in a dozen films, including the final shootout from Carlito's Way. Philadelphia has a lot of other cultural elements such as the Liberty Bell and the Modern Museum of Art. However, the stairs leading up to the museum is the mecca for all Rocky fans. The Rocky statue is housed at the foot of the stairs around the corner. Be sure to have some spare change for the homeless who reside at the top of the stairs and will take your photo for a couple of dollars.
How to Apply for an ESTA and what is it?
An ESTA is basically the go-codes granted by the US government after one has declared that he or she pose no threat to the safety and law enforcement of the United States of America.
It costs just under £30 and the ESTA form can be filled out in five minutes. An ESTA is valid for two years from the moment it is granted useable for both tourism and business. Each stay in the USA can last a maximum of 90 consecutive days. It is also worth noting (to avoid any confusion) that you do NOT need a visa if you have an ESTA.
*This sponsored post was created in collaboration with e-visa.

Founder of this eponymous blog, focusing on men's fashion & lifestyle.