Simple Solution for Dandruff & Flaky Scalp | T/Gel by NEUTROGENA®
Today I'm going to talk about T/Gel by NEUTROGENA®, Simple Solution for Dandruff & Flaky Scalp.
As an ambassador for NEUTROGENA® I'm very keen to bring some of their grooming products to the forefront and explain the benefits.
I'm lucky enough to never have suffered dandruff, but I've suffered a dry scalp from time to time.
T/Gel by NEUTROGENA® combats the dryness and relieves itchiness.
I've done some research this morning and have learnt several new things. People can feel massively insecure about having dandruff. It plagues people’s confidence and even if treated, they're constantly living with the worry of it returning.
One reviewer spoke of her trouble with psoriasis and dermatitis. Not only did she apply the T/Gel by NEUTROGENA to her scalp like an ordinary shampoo, but to other areas of her skin that were dry and flaky.
To do this you shake the bottle and rub a small amount into the areas affected This sinks into your skin like a lotion.
For hard to reach places, sensitive areas, apply some to a cue tip or ear bud and lather in. Leave overnight if possible and continue the treatment for a month for optimum results.
My personal review on T/Gel by NEUTROGENA®
The shampoo lathers up really well in your hair. Always a plus for me. They say to use twice a week if you're having problems with a dry scalp.
I personally only need to really hydrate my scalp say once a week. The smell is quite medicinal and people have mentioned that it's too potent. I found it lingers for a few hours in the morning but I quite like the smell. Tea-tree oil mainly.
Remember it's a therapeutic shampoo, which includes anti-fungal properties that can help manage dandruff. If it has a medicinal smell then there is a greater chance that it's doing its job.
Rinse away after shampooing and give your scalp a chance to breath before applying any other products.
At the time of writing the T/Gel by NEUTROGENA® has over 60 reviews on Amazon at a rating of 4.2/5.

Founder of this eponymous blog, focusing on men's fashion & lifestyle.