Outfit of the Week | Men's Style Edit
How has everyone's December been so far? Mine has been super productive and I've even managed to combine working extremely hard with shed loads of going out and waking up with hangovers. The only thing that's suffered has been my fitness. Saturday I was out having a few beers with friends and I got talking to a mate of mine who is a PT and we discussed how important it is to mentally prepare for getting fit in the new year, in December.
Take myself for example. I've not really kept fit properly since early Autumn or Summer time, and I've hit the point where I think what's the point in just doing once or twice a week as it's not going to make a blind bit of difference. I do tend to be all or nothing although after the weekends chat, I've realised that mentally it is good to 'tick along' as stopping in it's entirety is so hard mentally to get motivated again.
So tonight I'm going to trundle along in 1st gear and do a few fitness classes (or as many as possible) before the new year starts when I'll drive straight from 1st gear to 6th without stalling and hit it hard. Give it a go yourself, get prepared with your fitness goals now and reap the rewards in January.

Founder of this eponymous blog, focusing on men's fashion & lifestyle.