Looking back at 2015, it was full of incredible highs and terrible lows but I wouldn't change it for anything as I'll take the highs, lock them up and remember them forever. As for the lows, I'll use these to better myself this year.
2016 had early promise of a New Years trip to Thailand to kick it off in epic style. Regrettably my time in Thailand didn't pan out as I expected but it gave me time to reflect on what is important in life and goals I can set myself in 2016, that would both challenge me and make myself a better, happier person. I'm a confident person, I have great friends and family around me but I'm always trying to please everyone other than myself and that brings its pressures. So this year, I have decided to write down my bucket list for the first time ever so I have something to aim for.
1. Visit Cuba. I'm going to Cuba this year, I have to! This is my main travel goal, which will give me the kick to be successful, make enough money to spend a few weeks over in Cuba and maybe travelling around the Caribbean islands while I'm at it.
2. Santorini is calling. A place that I'm desperate to visit, a perfect blogging destination, somewhere hot, relaxing - who fancies it?
3. Actually visit all the places in My Top Travel Destinations for 2016 blog!
1. Get my Hawkins & Shepherd Shirts in one major department store. There must be some menswear buyers reading this, surly! So I beg you, check out my shirts. Handmade, fine fabrics and where quality far exceeds expectation, a British brand with lots of heart and promise. Pitch over! I love dealing with small independent menswear stores however after 3 successful years in business it is time to take Hawkins & Shepherd to the next level.
2. Create a successful AW16 collection. I'm currently working on my AW16 collection and exhibiting it at Moda Menswear in February. My collection will consist of a Hawkins & Shepherd branded and designed suit and over-coat collaboration with Calder London - using the finest British Savile Row fabrics from Holland & Sherry. As well as an increased shirt offering including pattern and button-down shirts. Finally, I think we have a complete package for retail stores to start taking us seriously.
3. Double Turnover. Its not all about money, as the quality of my products has to remain. However how am I ever going to afford all of these holidays without money!
4. Find & Hire a Brand Ambassador. Well it seems all the rage right now to have menswear influencers who have large social following supporting certain brands. It's a great way to reach a large targeted audience. Email me to apply!
1. Be more selfish. I actually hate this goal, as it isn't me at all - it goes against all of my instincts. However this is something that I'm going to try and see if it makes me a happier person or not - only time will tell.
2. Get a cat. Not just any old cat, a ragdoll kitten. Totally goes against the above goal but I'm a caring person and I already have a dog, so a cat isn't exactly going to make any difference to my social life! Plus it will give Charlie dog something to nurture and look after.
3. Less Netflix More Socialising & Networking. Just let me finish watching 'Breaking Bad' and start watching 'Making a Murderer' as it seems everyone is talking about it! Oh and when the new seasons of 'Narcos' are released, thats also fine. But other than these, I need to get out more!!
4. Read more. I have realised that work, blogging & social media have consumed me - its the first things I will talk about. This isn't right. So every morning I'm going to buy The Guardian and catch up on current affairs before I crack on with any work for the day ahead.
5. Do more for charity. I'm going to focus on fitness challenges which in turn will focus my mind and also make money for win.
6. Hit the gym...hard. Well because the above isn't going to happen without training. I have also spent 2015 working hard on my cardio vascular fitness. For 2016, I'm going to hit the gym hard, bulk up for spring then lean down for summer.
7. Like myself more, rediscover my worth. I'm not one for dwelling on quotes or sayings at all and I find it a little cringe seeing them on social media. However someone recently showed me this one which resonated with me "If you find yourself constantly trying to prove your worth, you have already forgotten your value". For me I have totally forgotten my value, everyone says I'm a good person and great catch but it's time for me to start believing it.
8. See friends and family more. Because they are the most important, constant things in my life.
9. Be more confident. Yep...thats right, the new year starts from Feb 1st.
10. Do something new every week. Need to start thinking of what to do this week...eek.
11. Train Charlie Dog to not sleep in my bed! Possibly the biggest goal of the year if I can nail this one - as lets be honest, no girl wants to sleep in the same bed with a snoring, farting, smelly dog!
12. Drink less coffee. Hahahahahaha as if this is going to happen, I've already had 3 today!
13. And therefore get my white teeth back! I think I'm going to have to use whitening toothpaste, mouthwash, swig coconut oil, use teeth whitening strips, pens and gels - because I love coffee and red wine.
14. Drink more water. I'm getting on a bit and don't fancy gout!
15. Have more fun, stop taking everything too seriously. Think less, do more and don't care what people think...simple.
16. Have a positive impact on people around me. Because however much I say I want to be more selfish, my confidence and self worth come from when I know I'm impacting the people around me in a positive way.
1. Write more Lifestyle articles. Lifestyle posts perform so much better than any of my style related content and it is because people can relate to feelings more than just material items like fashion. My first lifestyle post of 2016 (A Day in the Life of a Fashion Bloggers Boyfriend) received almost as many hits in one day as my blog normally gets in an entire month!
2. Get into Travel Blogging. If there is one subject that I can draw on for content other than fashion, it is travel. I have been fortunate enough to have backpacked South-East Asia & South America and have visited around 30% of all of the countries worldwide. From working in Congo to catching lobsters in Venezuela, I have a lot of knowledge of this planet to pass on to you good people.
3. Work with some amazing brands. In 2015, I was lucky enough to have worked for some great brands such as ASOS, Topman, Rotary Watches & Ralph Lauren that I love and would buy clothes from even if they didn't give me free stuff from time-to-time! In 2016 I would like to expand on this and target only brands that I love rather than ones that pay.
4. Couple Blogging. This is currently on-hold :(
5. Collaborate with other bloggers. In not that good at networking or collaborating with other menswear bloggers. However that needs to change and I need to spend more time networking and working on collaborations which are mutually beneficial.

Founder of this eponymous blog, focusing on men's fashion & lifestyle.