Taking this to 11! Rules from a Short Person to Look Tall
I've been doing a lot of research of late on how to look taller. My friend Peter Brooker is around 5'5 in heels, and he's chipped in today with some thoughts on looking taller, and tricks he employs in his day to day life.
'I'm so lucky to have great friends, but terribly unlucky to have friends all above 6 feet. It's a pain in the arse for me to have photos taken with six foot dudes, the bane of my life really.
TIP one: Get photos sitting the fuck down. When you're at dinner, those are the moments to get photos because everyone is sitting down. Preferably, get up from the meal, walk behind the people you want a photo taken with, and hand the phone to the person opposite and take the photo standing behind them. For once, you're taller than them.
2. Ask for the photos to be taken from lower down. Women employ this trick all the time. It offers the illusion of the height because it elongates the legs.
3. No baggy clothes. Baggy clothes looks like you're drowning in a small roll of carpet. The clothes need to be tucked in, the hem properly tailored with a light break, the waist a little higher than the builders bum look you had in your 20s.
4. Fully chromatic, black is slimming, it's a cliché for a reason. When I look back on photos of me in checkered tartan trousers I cringe. Was that ever a thing? I think. And why am I pulling attention towards my stocky legs.
5. Lose a bit of podge. Having the correct proportions may not be possible with all of what God gave you, but you can do something about the belly. The skinnier look, not the malnutrition-kind, but a healthy slim frame is the very basic template you should be starting with if you want to look taller.
6. Lose the middle man. Don't wear block colours that cut you off at the middle. You need to draw attention to your face, not your body.
7. One from the WEB: I've yet to test this one but I'm curious about it. Flip your phone camera upside down when taking pics, it makes your legs longer and your figures skinnier.
AVOID: The chunky sweater and hoodies and long baggy cargo pants everyone’s dragging on the ground just aren’t for us. SEEK OUT: A short cropped blazer. Go one size down in the blazer department to make it look like you're outgrowing your jacket. Don't wear the sleeves that cover your entire hand or jackets that cover your butt.
8. BOOTS: Timberlands 6 inch waterproof boots, any kind of cowboy boot with a heel and Doc Martens are generally considered the best. Dress shoes will always have a heel as does dress boots. Nike Air I find are trainers that give an extra inch as opposed to minimalist trainers. The bespoke elevated platform shoes have been slammed online, and just be mindful that these shoes will always have to come off at some point. You can't trick people forever. Nor should you want to.
9. Don't go muffin. We tapped upon the waist line. With the high rise trousers, wear straight or single pleated trousers. Too much detail around the crotch on trousers especially as you'll be tucking in your shirt, will break up the silhouette and emphasize your height.
10. Cross dress, it's fine. Especially in the jacket department. I often dip into the other half's wardrobe as her jackets are a little shorter on me, being just a little taller than her. The crop size might make it look like I've tailored my jacket too small, but it's a compromise on the overall effect I'm trying to achieve.
11. The colours I use are often monochromatic and dark. I avoid patterns except maybe a subtle check or herringbone. The worst one is windowpane on me as it completely boxes me off into tiny portions.
12. Stand tall, chest out, own it. Remember Dudley Moore only dated girls over 6 feet. Tom Cruise could probably get any girl he wants. Most of the time being short is in your mind only. It's really how you come across that counts. I treat being short like having spots. Spots are much bigger in your mind than they are anywhere else. When you smile, the world smiles with you. Unless your teeth are all buggered.

Founder of this eponymous blog, focusing on men's fashion & lifestyle.