10 Great Famous Quotes About Fashion you Can Use At Parties
Today I'd like to give you a roundup of some famous quotes about fashion and Hollywood Style that you can commit to memory and regale at parties. Even if you only remember one, it will sound like you know a thing or two about clothing, even if your own personal style doesn't reflect that.
I recommend you print out this blog, think of it as your party style cheat sheet and when you see someone that has clearly made the effort to dress well, you can roll out one of these quotes and they'll be suitably impress. Pun intended.
1. A woman of elegance will never cease to surprise you. - Alfred Hitchcock
To be used on a lady that is sophisticated, and has just informed you that she is not only a model, but can place every Star Wars episode in their natural order.
2. Always be the first rate version of yourself, instead of a second rate version of someone else. Judy Garland
To be used on a lady that has gone to great lengths to explain that she has her very own unique style, despite everything she's wearing has been sourced from Zara.
3. [...] Wearing vast lapels like the swept-back wings of a jet. - Kenneth Tynan
To be used when complimenting a man's suit that has early 70's Nutter-esque lapels. 'Your suit looks fabulous my friend, as the great Theatre critic Kenneth Tynan would remark, your vast lapel are reminiscent to swing-back wings of a jet'.
4. You can have everything you want in life, if you dress for it. - Edith Head
To be used on a lady if she's debating whether she is over dressed for whatever event you two are currently at.
5. You can't put a guy in a black suit without him looking a little cooler than he already looks. - Quentin Tarantino
Not sure how you're going to crowbar this one into a conversation, unless someone is berating your funeral style when you're not at a funeral. You'll get extra points if you can use this organically, but I just like the reference and it's one that I happen to agree with.
6. If you look at Cary Grant's suits from the 1930s, '40s and 50s, they still look good today, that's style not fashion. - Glenn O'Brien
If you're drawn into a debate on the differences between style and fashion, this is the quote that will slam dunk any argument. You can only hope you're talking to people that have seen at least one Cary Grant film, or even know who he is.
7. With my sunglasses on, I'm Jack Nicholson. Without them I'm fat and 60. - Jack Nicholson
To be said to someone who is self-conscious about wearing sunglasses in doors at a party. Although be careful, might not go down well if you're saying it to a fat 60 year old.
8. A real star never stops. - Mae West
To be used when the hostess is reciting her impressive busy calendar work/balance lifestyle. 'Look at you go Janice, like Mae West said, A real star never stops.'
9. Only buy good shoes. Because even when they're old, they will always be seen to be good shoes. - Cary Grant
I love this one. You can use it on a gentleman who has come to your house party wearing some of the finest Crockett and Jones. But then ten seconds later point to the sign in your hallway that says, 'I don't care how good your shoes look, take them off. This isn't the IBIS.
10. Without a huge clutter of worldly goods, and wearing old clothes, I feel comfortable and free. - Montgomery Clift
To be used if someone has the gall to remark on you only owning one suit. Use that line, then offer them outside.

Founder of this eponymous blog, focusing on men's fashion & lifestyle.