Is this the Best Boutique Gym in London?
Today I'm going to wax lyrical once more on KOBOX gym and how you can achieve your fitness goals for 2020 at a boutique gym. You only have to follow my Instagram stories to realise how much of an obsessive I am with my KOBOX training and now they've just unveiled their new "13 Training" programme.
What is it?
The 13 Training programme is a new functional training space at KOBOX's King Road Chelsea Studio. It has a flexible membership programme that offers single drop-in sessions and e-PT programmes which one of their top PT's will put together a personalised plan for you to achieve your goals
Who is it catered for?
This programme is perfect for small group training, couples etc. Over the years on weekends I always get asked by my mates to train with them. However, gyms have become tribal over time. Some of my friends would be signed to Fitness First, I would be at Virgin Active and so on.
You'd then pay extortionate day memberships just to train with your friends.
KOBOX have figured this out and made it frictionless for friends to train together. In these scenarios, just both pay for a 13 class at KOBOX and simply train together every weekend with no contract.
How to stay on track with Fitness after January
It's commonplace for people to get into shape throughout January, then lose their way once they see some improvements. Either weight-loss, muscle definition etc. Maybe they finally get the six-pack, through it up on Tinder and get the attention they've been craving.
So how do you stay focused? That's the beauty of a boutique gym. You're not alone in your fitness journey. You have friends that encourage you, that call you up and ask to train, etc.
I often blog about it and chronicle my journey. I very much encourage people to do that even if it's just a personal document.
Lastly if you're a James Bond fan why not get onboard this hashtag #bond25fitnesschallenge. It's a community of folk all trying to get into their best physical shape in the lead up to No Time to Die.

Founder of this eponymous blog, focusing on men's fashion & lifestyle.