Dyson Lightcycle Task Light | Product Review & How I've Found it Useful
Today I'm going to talk about the Dyson Lightcycle Task Light. Dyson are really on the move as a brand. They're soon to be making big waves I'm told in the EV sector and now they've introduced the Lightcycle Task Light.
Available in two models for either the desk or floor, the Dyson Lightcycle Task Light is effectively an intelligent lamp that continually adjusts its colour temperature and brightness in relation to your local daylight, providing the right light for the right time of day.
Why is this important?
Have you noticed you're feeling more fatigued since the clocks went back? It's harder to stay focused throughout the day? The change in daylight hours can affect our circadian rhythm and our sleep patterns.
A good night's sleep helps to form new pathways in the brain so we can retain more information, it’s essential for physical repair and healing, and it makes us feel more productive. Although we get an extra hour in bed, our body clock is actually regulated by light.
Your brain is basically indexing all the information it retained during the day and sorting it out into different filing cabinets. Without the proper amount of sleep the brain can't process the information quick enough and simply gets mis-filed or worse, not filed at all. Causing memory loss later down the road.
Most of us have no idea what we do with a third of our lives. To quote Matthew Walker, author of Why We Sleep:
'Sleep is one of the most important aspects of our life, health and longevity and yet it is increasingly neglected in twenty-first-century society, with devastating consequences: every major disease in the developed world - Alzheimer's, cancer, obesity, diabetes - has very strong causal links to deficient sleep'.

How our body wakes up
As light enters our eyes in the morning, the amount of the sleep-inducing hormone melatonin our bodies produce decreases, waking us up. As the sun sets, our melatonin levels increase and we start feeling more tired. As the clocks go back, we spend even more of our time indoors and in the dark, which can disrupt our natural sleep cycle.
The Dyson Lightcycle task light continually adjusts its colour temperature and brightness in relation to your local daylight, providing the right light for the right time of day.
How I've found it useful
The design is very clever, it has a very neutral, no-thrills look that can slide into any home. It has a slick aesthetic. Like sleek minimalist futurism.
It uses a unique time, date and location-driven algorithm to calculate the colour temperature and brightness of daylight and tunes the product’s three warm and three cool LEDs to work in tandem to simulate daylight colour temperatures.
When I'm at home I spend a lot of time doing work on my desk. I never paid much mind to the poor quality lighting in my home until I had this thing. I know some people suffer from eye strain and headaches from poor lighting in the office, this could be a perfect remedy for that.

Founder of this eponymous blog, focusing on men's fashion & lifestyle.