Introducing Lanx Shoes | Proper Shoes for Men
As far as marketing campaigns go this one from Lanx Shoes is probably the best thought out one I've had in years. A year ago I started getting obscure postcards from all over the world. Sri Lanka, Paris, Italy, all saying the same thing, 'One sole purpose'. At first I thought it might be an ex-girlfriend that was on some personal crusade to mess with my mental wiring, but when Lanx Shoes finally launched their new website, the jigsaw fell into place.
They are currently running a competition through their Facebook page where you can win a pair of Proper Shoes and 2 x £50 Gift Cards for your friends.
I was kindly gifted a pair of Dibnah Brown and Whittle Tan Business-Casual shoes and they're proving to be a very versatile shoe. I've had a few meetings, some client dinners and even the odd date.
What I like most about the brand is that it's highly personalised. We're currently in a climate where every brand and business has to be accessible and customer focused.
You have direct access to the cobblers, to the sales team and you only have to look at their FAQ page to find out they're having fun with their brand. I particularly liked the 'we no longer use pigeon to exchange your orders'. Might use that one for my site, you don't mind do you boys?
The founder Marv has a very enviable back story. The colourful pictures on the site and the promotional video also delineate what a wonderful journey this must have been. Marv has covered a lot of ground in his research to make the perfect shoe. From China, to Cambodia and a personal place on the bucket list for me, Vietnam. Purely because I would love to visit Hoi An where I'm told they have over 400 tailors on one street! I've travelled Vietnam about 10 years ago north to south but some how missed Hoi An.
All the best with the business Marv. You have a great product; I hope this is just the beginning of another whirlwind journey for you.

Founder of this eponymous blog, focusing on men's fashion & lifestyle.