M&S Wedding Capsule Collection | Wedding Suits for Men
The biggest quandary I have when creating a capsule for a wedding collection is to style respectively for the occasion, whilst not appearing like I've just ticked all the proverbial boxes dictated by countless and mostly odious style bibles.
It's very important not to upstage the groom in anything bilious. This is a wedding, not a press board pageantry for the Brit Awards darling.
I've teamed up with M&S to create a wedding capsule, which I can identify with. If you're attending a wedding this Spring/Summer, then this could be of interest to you.
Firstly, my loyal readers will know I'm not overly enamoured with light grey suits, I prefer to go with navy which looks classic and smart. Although I appreciate that light grey is very much the mainstay colour of a wedding wardrobe, so for that reason I've mixed in a bit of colour, opting for a grey waistcoat and pink pocket square.
Coming in at a total cost of £378.50
The Jacket & Trousers
You have to think the majority of this day will actually be spent sitting down. Whether it's in a church, at a reception, or slumped on a lighting rig at the end of the night waiting for your cab home. Your butt-cheeks will have a promiscuous day so I strongly recommend a doubled vented jacket. I've plumped for this Navy Tailored Wool jacket, simply put a single vent won't give your butt anywhere to go when seated.
I've paired some Navy Wool Trousers, with a flat front. You might want to note that these trousers don't come with belt braces which could be deal breaker for some. Personally I'm fine wearing a belt and as braces under a waistcoat can feel a mite suffocating.
The Waistcoat
The English weather is often much maligned, but we are prone to heatwaves occasionally which is why I've opted for a linen waistcoat, light grey in keeping with the box-tickers. It's a Linen/poly blend so will offer you the benefits of breathability, yet won't crease as much. Plus, you can come back to this number time and again, grey is very interchangeable and the moths won't go for it. Not their diet.
The Shirt
Typically, I'd go for a shirt that is 100% cotton and double cuffed, but I'm conscious of the budget and this shirt is perfectly serviceable. You can go pink or sky blue with this shirt and it will lift the ensemble like a soufflé as James Sherwood would say. Very breezy yet classic.
The Accoutrements
For weddings a go-to for many would be pink, pastel or purple hues. These will be standard fare, possibly a little too vaudevillian for my taste which is why I've gone for something more classic and versatile. The Textured Tie will ameliorate neck and draw peoples look towards the neck and face. The Geometric Pocket square has a dusting of pink in it, in keeping with the tradition of the occasion.
What do you think of my picks? How would you style your wedding suit? Let me know your thoughts in the box below and how you would do things differently.
This post has been created in collaboration with M&S

Founder of this eponymous blog, focusing on men's fashion & lifestyle.