It's time for a Spring Refresh | A few things I'll be changing
It's easy to see how many of us get a lifestyle boost around spring time, the colder weather is starting to give us a little break, the sun peaks out every so often which brings colour back into our lives and that summer holiday is in sight. Finally al-fresco dining, dog walking, pub gardens, commuting, outdoors fitness all become a little bit more bearable! Here are a few things that I'm going to refresh this spring and this 4-day Easter weekend is a great time for us to all get on-board.
My Wardrobe. A change of season always brings a wardrobe refresh, in fact last week it hit 25 degrees in London for a day then brutally dipped to around 13 the day after. It made me realise that I don't really have much spring/summer clothing that I can layer for the cooler days. So in the next couple of weeks I'll be shopping a lot, so keep an eye out for some of my spring style posts. Out go chunky knitwear and heavy woollen coats and in come warm, breathable fabrics, smaller jackets such as the denim one I'm wearing in these pictures or a bomber jacket and finally of course, lots of layering.
My Phone Case. Over winter I dropped and smashed my iPhone screen a record of 3 times, no insurance, no care and I was hit with massive costs for repairs. There was a period of 24 hours when I broke my iPhone 6 and had to buy a brand new iPhone 7. That evening walking back from my fitness class, phone in hand, I walked straight, bang smack into a lamppost (true story), at this moment everything went into slow-mo and after a few fumbled attempts of catching it, my phone smashed on the pavement face down...RIP.
I'm going to start the new season more organised and focused which I've started by updating my phone case, it may seem a simple fix but it has worked, I feel much more in control. OtterBox phone cases offer stylish protection for mobile devices with the protection part at the core of everything they do and for Mr Butter-Fingers aka me, that is my number 1 priority. OtterBox engineer their products to last and make an array of protective products for all different lifestyles. Being a men's style blogger, my life is very much on the go and having a phone case that offers real functionality is key. This OtterBox case is that, for example it is 'pocket-ready' which slides in and out of your pocket easily, it serves as a scratch protector so when I'm browsing through Instagram photos or reading news the screen will always be perfect. Finally the one-piece case slips on and off for easy installation, perfect for when you have two cases like myself. The black case I'm using in the above images is the OtterBox iPhone 7 Folio, it's designed in premium leather which I use for work outings, commuting London or when lacking pockets in my outfit because the phone case has a handy little slot for any credit or business cards. The one I'm using in the images towards the end of this post is the OtterBox iPhone 7 Symmetry case in blue.
OtterBox are offering YOU the chance to win a trip to Paris
*Details at the bottom of this post*
My Garden. It is a complete mess, it really is. I mean I would post an image of it but I'm actually a little embarrassed about how I have let it get in such bad shape. The decking is rotting away in places so I'm going to have to take it all up and put some new decking, slabs or maybe artificial grass down. Obviously this is a pretty major project, so I don't think it's a weekend job, so I'll keep you updated on any progress made.
Commuting around London. With the weather getting better as the spring weeks go on, I'm going to make sure I use public transport less and instead use more leg powered exercise for getting around such as running, walking or cycling. One thing that I'm going to try to do more during my walks around London is to not use maps and instead find my own way around because when getting lost you can find some of the most incredible hidden gems. Also to look up more, as the architecture we have in London is world-class and I would like to appreciate it more - keep an eye out for my Instagram stories!
Book some holidays. How have I not been on holiday this year yet? Although I do feel that I have been on many holidays already by living vicariously through many of my Instagram friends who seem to never be in the UK. This weekend I'm going to change that and book a holiday, even if it is on my own. Top destinations include, Mexico, Cuba, The Serengeti, anywhere in the US, Greek Islands, Bali or maybe even Vancouver for the F1 Grand Prix.
Sort out my love life. Frankly it is about time I sorted this out once and for all as I can't spend hour after hour swiping left on Tinder for the rest of my life! Something I wrote on an Instagram post recently is that 'timing is everything' and I truly believe that to be true. It's time do what is right for me and not to spend time with anyone that doesn't see or appreciate my true worth, cliché by true.
Spend time with friends & family more. A simple one to fulfil as I love seeing friends and family. We are such a close group and I love them all to bits.
Get fit and eat healthily. I'm not in bad shape for a 36 year old guy but of course this could be better, for me it is not about looking like I should be on the front cover of Men's Health. It is more about keeping fit, maintaining shape, eating healthy foods and feeling better in my own wellbeing.
How to enter the OtterBox competition to win a trip to Paris this June?
To be part of the #SpringRefresh competition there are two steps you must share with your followers:
- Step 1 – Be inspired by spring and share an image that represents your #SpringRefresh moment tagging @OtterBox_Europe
- Step 2 – Fill out your details on Covered – OtterBox’s brand blog here.
Winner will be announced 26th April on an @OtterBox_Europe Instagram post on the day and the winner will also be contacted via email.
Link to the competition Terms & Conditions here.
Photography by Rebecca Spencer
Monetary compensation was made by OtterBox for the creation of this post.

Founder of this eponymous blog, focusing on men's fashion & lifestyle.