During Horse Racing season the tabloid spies are on the look out for any fashion faux-pas. So to avoid you the embarrassment of being in their 'Worst Dressed of Ascot' section with a big red cross next to what you thought was your best attire - I'm going to attempt to help you out.
Here are a few generic pointers to check for prior to choosing your outfit for the day:
- Check the Dress Code! Each horse racing venue may have different dress-codes. You will even find that at the same venue there may be different dress codes for different events and enclosures that you are in.
- Check the weather! Do I even need to add this? We live in the UK and it has been printed into our brain. If in doubt, take a brolly...
- Is Fancy Dress Allowed? The only time I go to the races is for a stag do, birthday or a football tour. For most of these occasions there is chat about Fancy Dress, because well why not right? You should always check with the venue as some do not allow fancy dress, or they will restrict where you can go when you are inside the venue.
There are a few different looks that you could attempt depending on the dress code at the event, here are my top 3:
Modern Classic.
Whatever look you go for remember these simple rules:
- Shine your shoes.
- Wear a shirt & suit that fits.
- Tie your tie or bow-tie correctly.
- Smell good!
- Remember your umbrella.
- Remember your sunglasses.

Carl Thompson
Founder of this eponymous blog, focusing on men's fashion & lifestyle.