If it's grey and miserable outside and you are feeling down about life in general, sometimes you dress in accordance to your moods and today is one of them grey, cloudy days. A step down from wearing all black but firmly in the down in the dumps fashion sector and I think looking back at the images, my mood is pretty obvious!
January seems to be a month of reflection, looking back at your mistakes of 2015 and looking at how to improve your life and well-being for 2016. So many of us fall into this grey area of wanting change but not knowing how to achieve it, the future just seems blurry, grey and unclear. I would say, try to stay positive and reevaluate what is good in your life; what means a lot to you and what doesn't. Relationships, friendships, work, travel, money, dating etc what or whom are the most important things in your life and how do you want to shape 2016? It all starts in January.
Back to the fashion and in this street style look, to emulate that grey January feeling that many of us have, I have opted for an all grey look which you can shop below.
Photo Credit Sophie Milner

Founder of this eponymous blog, focusing on men's fashion & lifestyle.