Carl Thompson

The Best Cafes to Work from in London

Carl Thompson
The Best Cafes to Work from in London

Nowadays a good coffee shop is rated on its Broadband speed. The coffee is almost perfunctory. There is over 22k coffee outlets in London and according to Allegra, we consume around 2.3 billion cups of coffee per year in stores (or around 45 cups per adult per year). Some think tanks suggest we might have already hit saturation point. That the wild west days of killing 1 hour drinking a solitary soya cappuccino in your local Joe & the Juice is over baby! But whilst we still have a rumoured 4-5 good years of structural growth left in the UK coffee market, let’s take a look at the best coffee outlets to work from in London.

Founder of this eponymous blog, focusing on men's fashion & lifestyle.